Source code for

import nibabel as nb
import numpy as np

[docs]def load_volume(volume): """ Load volumetric data into a `Nibabel SpatialImage <>`_ Parameters ---------- volume: niimg Volumetric data to be loaded, can be a path to a file that nibabel can load, or a Nibabel SpatialImage Returns ---------- image: Nibabel SpatialImage Notes ---------- Originally created as part of Laminar Python [1]_ . References ----------- .. [1] Huntenburg et al. (2017), Laminar Python: Tools for cortical depth-resolved analysis of high-resolution brain imaging data in Python. DOI: 10.3897/rio.3.e12346 """ # noqa # if input is a filename, try to load it # python 2 version if isinstance(volume, basestring): if isinstance(volume, str): # importing nifti files image = nb.load(volume) # if volume is already a nibabel object elif isinstance(volume, nb.spatialimages.SpatialImage): image = volume else: raise ValueError('Input volume must be a either a path to a file in a ' 'format that Nibabel can load, or a nibabel' 'SpatialImage.') return image
[docs]def save_volume(filename, volume, dtype='float32', overwrite_file=True): """ Save volumetric data that is a `Nibabel SpatialImage <>`_ to a file Parameters ---------- filename: str Full path and filename under which volume should be saved. The extension determines the file format (must be supported by Nibabel) volume: Nibabel SpatialImage Volumetric data to be saved dtype: str, optional Datatype in which volumetric data should be stored (default is float32) overwrite_file: bool, optional Overwrite existing files (default is True) Notes ---------- Originally created as part of Laminar Python [1]_ . References ----------- .. [1] Huntenburg et al. (2017), Laminar Python: Tools for cortical depth-resolved analysis of high-resolution brain imaging data in Python. DOI: 10.3897/rio.3.e12346 """ # noqa import os if dtype is not None: volume.set_data_dtype(dtype) if os.path.isfile(filename) and overwrite_file is False: print("\nThis file exists and overwrite_file was set to False, " "file not saved.") else: try: volume.to_filename(filename) print("\nSaving {0}".format(filename)) except AttributeError: print('\nInput volume must be a Nibabel SpatialImage.')