Source code for nighres.registration.embedded_antsreg

# basic dependencies
import os
import sys
import subprocess
from glob import glob
import math

# main dependencies: numpy, nibabel
import numpy as np
import nibabel as nb

# nighresjava and nighres functions
import nighresjava
from import load_volume, save_volume
from ..utils import _output_dir_4saving, _fname_4saving, \

# convenience labels

[docs]def embedded_antsreg(source_image, target_image, run_rigid=False, rigid_iterations=1000, run_affine=False, affine_iterations=1000, run_syn=True, coarse_iterations=40, medium_iterations=50, fine_iterations=40, cost_function='MutualInformation', interpolation='NearestNeighbor', regularization='High', convergence=1e-6, mask_zero=False, ignore_affine=False, ignore_header=False, save_data=False, overwrite=False, output_dir=None, file_name=None): """ Embedded ANTS Registration Runs the rigid and/or Symmetric Normalization (SyN) algorithm of ANTs and formats the output deformations into voxel coordinate mappings as used in CBSTools registration and transformation routines. Parameters ---------- source_image: niimg Image to register target_image: niimg Reference image to match run_rigid: bool Whether or not to run a rigid registration first (default is False) rigid_iterations: float Number of iterations in the rigid step (default is 1000) run_affine: bool Whether or not to run a affine registration first (default is False) affine_iterations: float Number of iterations in the affine step (default is 1000) run_syn: bool Whether or not to run a SyN registration (default is True) coarse_iterations: float Number of iterations at the coarse level (default is 40) medium_iterations: float Number of iterations at the medium level (default is 50) fine_iterations: float Number of iterations at the fine level (default is 40) cost_function: {'CrossCorrelation', 'MutualInformation'} Cost function for the registration (default is 'MutualInformation') interpolation: {'NearestNeighbor', 'Linear'} Interpolation for the registration result (default is 'NearestNeighbor') regularization: {'Low', 'Medium', 'High'} Regularization preset for the SyN deformation (default is 'Medium') convergence: float Threshold for convergence, can make the algorithm very slow (default is convergence) mask_zero: bool Mask regions with zero value (default is False) ignore_affine: bool Ignore the affine matrix information extracted from the image header (default is False) ignore_header: bool Ignore the orientation information and affine matrix information extracted from the image header (default is False) save_data: bool Save output data to file (default is False) overwrite: bool Overwrite existing results (default is False) output_dir: str, optional Path to desired output directory, will be created if it doesn't exist file_name: str, optional Desired base name for output files with file extension (suffixes will be added) Returns ---------- dict Dictionary collecting outputs under the following keys (suffix of output files in brackets) * transformed_source (niimg): Deformed source image (_ants-def) * mapping (niimg): Coordinate mapping from source to target (_ants-map) * inverse (niimg): Inverse coordinate mapping from target to source (_ants-invmap) Notes ---------- Port of the CBSTools Java module by Pierre-Louis Bazin. The main algorithm is part of the ANTs software by Brian Avants and colleagues [1]_. The interfacing with ANTs is performed through Nipype [2]_. Parameters have been set to values commonly found in neuroimaging scripts online, but not necessarily optimal. References ---------- .. [1] Avants et al (2008), Symmetric diffeomorphic image registration with cross-correlation: evaluating automated labeling of elderly and neurodegenerative brain, Med Image Anal. 12(1):26-41 .. [2] Gorgolewski et al (2011) Nipype: a flexible, lightweight and extensible neuroimaging data processing framework in python. Front Neuroinform 5. doi:10.3389/fninf.2011.00013 """ # just overloading the multi-channel version return embedded_antsreg_multi([source_image], [target_image], run_rigid, rigid_iterations, run_affine, affine_iterations, run_syn, coarse_iterations, medium_iterations, fine_iterations, cost_function, interpolation, regularization, convergence, mask_zero, ignore_affine, ignore_header, save_data, overwrite, output_dir, file_name)
[docs]def embedded_antsreg_2d(source_image, target_image, run_rigid=False, rigid_iterations=1000, run_affine=False, affine_iterations=1000, run_syn=True, coarse_iterations=40, medium_iterations=50, fine_iterations=40, scaling_factor=32, cost_function='MutualInformation', interpolation='NearestNeighbor', regularization='High', convergence=1e-6, mask_zero=False, ignore_affine=False, ignore_header=False, save_data=False, overwrite=False, output_dir=None, file_name=None): """ Embedded ANTS Registration 2D Runs the rigid and/or Symmetric Normalization (SyN) algorithm of ANTs and formats the output deformations into voxel coordinate mappings as used in CBSTools registration and transformation routines. Parameters ---------- source_image: niimg Image to register target_image: niimg Reference image to match run_rigid: bool Whether or not to run a rigid registration first (default is False) rigid_iterations: float Number of iterations in the rigid step (default is 1000) run_affine: bool Whether or not to run a affine registration first (default is False) affine_iterations: float Number of iterations in the affine step (default is 1000) run_syn: bool Whether or not to run a SyN registration (default is True) coarse_iterations: float Number of iterations at the coarse level (default is 40) medium_iterations: float Number of iterations at the medium level (default is 50) fine_iterations: float Number of iterations at the fine level (default is 40) cost_function: {'CrossCorrelation', 'MutualInformation'} Cost function for the registration (default is 'MutualInformation') interpolation: {'NearestNeighbor', 'Linear'} Interpolation for the registration result (default is 'NearestNeighbor') convergence: flaot Threshold for convergence, can make the algorithm very slow (default is convergence) ignore_affine: bool Ignore the affine matrix information extracted from the image header (default is False) ignore_header: bool Ignore the orientation information and affine matrix information extracted from the image header (default is False) save_data: bool Save output data to file (default is False) overwrite: bool Overwrite existing results (default is False) output_dir: str, optional Path to desired output directory, will be created if it doesn't exist file_name: str, optional Desired base name for output files with file extension (suffixes will be added) Returns ---------- dict Dictionary collecting outputs under the following keys (suffix of output files in brackets) * transformed_source (niimg): Deformed source image (_ants-def) * mapping (niimg): Coordinate mapping from source to target (_ants-map) * inverse (niimg): Inverse coordinate mapping from target to source (_ants-invmap) Notes ---------- Port of the CBSTools Java module by Pierre-Louis Bazin. The main algorithm is part of the ANTs software by Brian Avants and colleagues [1]_. Parameters have been set to values commonly found in neuroimaging scripts online, but not necessarily optimal. References ---------- .. [1] Avants et al (2008), Symmetric diffeomorphic image registration with cross-correlation: evaluating automated labeling of elderly and neurodegenerative brain, Med Image Anal. 12(1):26-41 """ print('\nEmbedded ANTs Registration 2D') # make sure that saving related parameters are correct output_dir = _output_dir_4saving(output_dir, source_image) # needed for intermediate results if save_data: transformed_source_file = os.path.join(output_dir, _fname_4saving(module=__name__,file_name=file_name, rootfile=source_image, suffix='ants-def')) mapping_file = os.path.join(output_dir, _fname_4saving(module=__name__,file_name=file_name, rootfile=source_image, suffix='ants-map')) inverse_mapping_file = os.path.join(output_dir, _fname_4saving(module=__name__,file_name=file_name, rootfile=source_image, suffix='ants-invmap')) if overwrite is False \ and os.path.isfile(transformed_source_file) \ and os.path.isfile(mapping_file) \ and os.path.isfile(inverse_mapping_file) : print("skip computation (use existing results)") output = {'transformed_source': transformed_source_file, 'mapping': mapping_file, 'inverse': inverse_mapping_file} return output # load and get dimensions and resolution from input images source = load_volume(source_image) src_affine = source.affine src_header = source.header nsx = source.header.get_data_shape()[X] nsy = source.header.get_data_shape()[Y] nsz = 1 rsx = source.header.get_zooms()[X] rsy = source.header.get_zooms()[Y] rsz = 1 target = load_volume(target_image) trg_affine = target.affine trg_header = target.header ntx = target.header.get_data_shape()[X] nty = target.header.get_data_shape()[Y] ntz = 1 rtx = target.header.get_zooms()[X] rty = target.header.get_zooms()[Y] rtz = 1 # in case the affine transformations are not to be trusted: make them equal if ignore_affine or ignore_header: mx = np.argmax(np.abs(src_affine[0][0:3])) my = np.argmax(np.abs(src_affine[1][0:3])) mz = np.argmax(np.abs(src_affine[2][0:3])) new_affine = np.zeros((4,4)) if ignore_header: new_affine[0][0] = rsx new_affine[1][1] = rsy new_affine[2][2] = rsz new_affine[0][3] = -rsx*nsx/2.0 new_affine[1][3] = -rsy*nsy/2.0 new_affine[2][3] = -rsz*nsz/2.0 else: new_affine[0][mx] = rsx*np.sign(src_affine[0][mx]) new_affine[1][my] = rsy*np.sign(src_affine[1][my]) new_affine[2][mz] = rsz*np.sign(src_affine[2][mz]) if (np.sign(src_affine[0][mx])<0): new_affine[0][3] = rsx*nsx/2.0 else: new_affine[0][3] = -rsx*nsx/2.0 if (np.sign(src_affine[1][my])<0): new_affine[1][3] = rsy*nsy/2.0 else: new_affine[1][3] = -rsy*nsy/2.0 if (np.sign(src_affine[2][mz])<0): new_affine[2][3] = rsz*nsz/2.0 else: new_affine[2][3] = -rsz*nsz/2.0 #if (np.sign(src_affine[0][mx])<0): new_affine[mx][3] = rsx*nsx #if (np.sign(src_affine[1][my])<0): new_affine[my][3] = rsy*nsy #if (np.sign(src_affine[2][mz])<0): new_affine[mz][3] = rsz*nsz #new_affine[0][3] = nsx/2.0 #new_affine[1][3] = nsy/2.0 #new_affine[2][3] = nsz/2.0 new_affine[3][3] = 1.0 src_img = nb.Nifti1Image(source.get_data(), new_affine, source.header) src_img.update_header() src_img_file = os.path.join(output_dir, _fname_4saving(module=__name__,file_name=file_name, rootfile=source_image, suffix='tmp_srcimg')) save_volume(src_img_file, src_img) source = load_volume(src_img_file) src_affine = source.affine src_header = source.header # create generic affine aligned with the orientation for the target mx = np.argmax(np.abs(trg_affine[0][0:3])) my = np.argmax(np.abs(trg_affine[1][0:3])) mz = np.argmax(np.abs(trg_affine[2][0:3])) new_affine = np.zeros((4,4)) if ignore_header: new_affine[0][0] = rtx new_affine[1][1] = rty new_affine[2][2] = rtz new_affine[0][3] = -rtx*ntx/2.0 new_affine[1][3] = -rty*nty/2.0 new_affine[2][3] = -rtz*ntz/2.0 else: new_affine[0][mx] = rtx*np.sign(trg_affine[0][mx]) new_affine[1][my] = rty*np.sign(trg_affine[1][my]) new_affine[2][mz] = rtz*np.sign(trg_affine[2][mz]) if (np.sign(trg_affine[0][mx])<0): new_affine[0][3] = rtx*ntx/2.0 else: new_affine[0][3] = -rtx*ntx/2.0 if (np.sign(trg_affine[1][my])<0): new_affine[1][3] = rty*nty/2.0 else: new_affine[1][3] = -rty*nty/2.0 if (np.sign(trg_affine[2][mz])<0): new_affine[2][3] = rtz*ntz/2.0 else: new_affine[2][3] = -rtz*ntz/2.0 #if (np.sign(trg_affine[0][mx])<0): new_affine[mx][3] = rtx*ntx #if (np.sign(trg_affine[1][my])<0): new_affine[my][3] = rty*nty #if (np.sign(trg_affine[2][mz])<0): new_affine[mz][3] = rtz*ntz #new_affine[0][3] = ntx/2.0 #new_affine[1][3] = nty/2.0 #new_affine[2][3] = ntz/2.0 new_affine[3][3] = 1.0 trg_img = nb.Nifti1Image(target.get_data(), new_affine, target.header) trg_img.update_header() trg_img_file = os.path.join(output_dir, _fname_4saving(module=__name__,file_name=file_name, rootfile=source_image, suffix='tmp_trgimg')) save_volume(trg_img_file, trg_img) target = load_volume(trg_img_file) trg_affine = target.affine trg_header = target.header # build coordinate mapping matrices and save them to disk src_coordX = np.zeros((nsx,nsy)) src_coordY = np.zeros((nsx,nsy)) trg_coordX = np.zeros((ntx,nty)) trg_coordY = np.zeros((ntx,nty)) for x in range(nsx): for y in range(nsy): src_coordX[x,y] = x src_coordY[x,y] = y src_mapX = nb.Nifti1Image(src_coordX, source.affine, source.header) src_mapX_file = os.path.join(output_dir, _fname_4saving(module=__name__,file_name=file_name, rootfile=source_image, suffix='tmp_srccoordX')) save_volume(src_mapX_file, src_mapX) src_mapY = nb.Nifti1Image(src_coordY, source.affine, source.header) src_mapY_file = os.path.join(output_dir, _fname_4saving(module=__name__,file_name=file_name, rootfile=source_image, suffix='tmp_srccoordY')) save_volume(src_mapY_file, src_mapY) for x in range(ntx): for y in range(nty): trg_coordX[x,y] = x trg_coordY[x,y] = y trg_mapX = nb.Nifti1Image(trg_coordX, target.affine, target.header) trg_mapX_file = os.path.join(output_dir, _fname_4saving(module=__name__,file_name=file_name, rootfile=source_image, suffix='tmp_trgcoordX')) save_volume(trg_mapX_file, trg_mapX) trg_mapY = nb.Nifti1Image(trg_coordY, target.affine, target.header) trg_mapY_file = os.path.join(output_dir, _fname_4saving(module=__name__,file_name=file_name, rootfile=source_image, suffix='tmp_trgcoordY')) save_volume(trg_mapY_file, trg_mapY) if mask_zero: # create and save temporary masks trg_mask_data = (target.get_data()!=0) trg_mask = nb.Nifti1Image(trg_mask_data, target.affine, target.header) trg_mask_file = os.path.join(output_dir, _fname_4saving(module=__name__,file_name=file_name, rootfile=source_image, suffix='tmp_trgmask')) save_volume(trg_mask_file, trg_mask) src_mask_data = (source.get_data()!=0) src_mask = nb.Nifti1Image(src_mask_data, source.affine, source.header) src_mask_file = os.path.join(output_dir, _fname_4saving(module=__name__,file_name=file_name, rootfile=source_image, suffix='tmp_srcmask')) save_volume(src_mask_file, src_mask) # run the main ANTS software: here we directly build the command line call reg = 'antsRegistration --collapse-output-transforms 1 --dimensionality 2' \ +' --initialize-transforms-per-stage 0 --interpolation Linear' # add a prefix to avoid multiple names? prefix = _fname_4saving(module=__name__,file_name=file_name, rootfile=source_image, suffix='tmp_syn') prefix = os.path.basename(prefix) prefix = prefix.split(".")[0] reg = reg+' --output '+prefix if mask_zero: reg = reg+' --masks ['+trg_mask_file+', '+src_mask_file+']' srcfile = source.get_filename() trgfile = target.get_filename() # figure out the number of scales, going with a factor of two n_scales = math.ceil(math.log(scaling_factor)/math.log(2.0)) iter_rigid = str(rigid_iterations) iter_affine = str(affine_iterations) iter_syn = str(coarse_iterations) smooth = str(scaling_factor) shrink = str(scaling_factor) for n in range(n_scales): iter_rigid = iter_rigid+'x'+str(rigid_iterations) iter_affine = iter_affine+'x'+str(affine_iterations) if n<n_scales/2: iter_syn = iter_syn+'x'+str(coarse_iterations) elif n<n_scales-1: iter_syn = iter_syn+'x'+str(medium_iterations) else: iter_syn = iter_syn+'x'+str(fine_iterations) smooth = smooth+'x'+str(scaling_factor/math.pow(2.0,n+1)) shrink = shrink+'x'+str(math.ceil(scaling_factor/math.pow(2.0,n+1))) # set parameters for all the different types of transformations if run_rigid is True: reg = reg + ' --transform Rigid[0.1]' if (cost_function=='CrossCorrelation'): reg = reg + ' --metric CC['+trgfile+', '+srcfile \ +', '+'1.0, 5, Random, 0.3 ]' else: reg = reg + ' --metric MI['+trgfile+', '+srcfile \ +', '+'1.0, 32, Random, 0.3 ]' reg = reg + ' --convergence ['+iter_rigid+', '+str(convergence)+', 10 ]' reg = reg + ' --smoothing-sigmas '+smooth reg = reg + ' --shrink-factors '+shrink reg = reg + ' --use-histogram-matching 0' reg = reg + ' --winsorize-image-intensities [ 0.001, 0.999 ]' if run_affine is True: reg = reg + ' --transform Affine[0.1]' if (cost_function=='CrossCorrelation'): reg = reg + ' --metric CC['+trgfile+', '+srcfile \ +', '+'1.0, 5, Random, 0.3 ]' else: reg = reg + ' --metric MI['+trgfile+', '+srcfile \ +', '+'1.0, 32, Random, 0.3 ]' reg = reg + ' --convergence ['+iter_affine+', '+str(convergence)+', 10 ]' reg = reg + ' --smoothing-sigmas '+smooth reg = reg + ' --shrink-factors '+shrink reg = reg + ' --use-histogram-matching 0' reg = reg + ' --winsorize-image-intensities [ 0.001, 0.999 ]' if run_syn is True: if regularization is 'Low': syn_param = [0.2, 1.0, 0.0] elif regularization is 'Medium': syn_param = [0.2, 3.0, 0.0] elif regularization is 'High': syn_param = [0.2, 4.0, 3.0] else: syn_param = [0.2, 3.0, 0.0] reg = reg + ' --transform SyN'+str(syn_param) if (cost_function=='CrossCorrelation'): reg = reg + ' --metric CC['+trgfile+', '+srcfile \ +', '+'1.0, 5, Random, 0.3 ]' else: reg = reg + ' --metric MI['+trgfile+', '+srcfile \ +', '+'1.0, 32, Random, 0.3 ]' reg = reg + ' --convergence ['+iter_syn+', '+str(convergence)+', 5 ]' reg = reg + ' --smoothing-sigmas '+smooth reg = reg + ' --shrink-factors '+shrink reg = reg + ' --use-histogram-matching 0' reg = reg + ' --winsorize-image-intensities [ 0.001, 0.999 ]' if run_rigid is False and run_affine is False and run_syn is False: reg = reg + ' --transform Rigid[0.1]' reg = reg + ' --metric CC['+trgfile+', '+srcfile \ +', '+'1.0, 5, Random, 0.3 ]' reg = reg + ' --convergence [ 0, 1.0, 2 ]' reg = reg + ' --smoothing-sigmas 1.0' reg = reg + ' --shrink-factors 1' reg = reg + ' --use-histogram-matching 0' reg = reg + ' --winsorize-image-intensities [ 0.001, 0.999 ]' reg = reg + ' --write-composite-transform 0' # run the ANTs command directly print(reg) try: subprocess.check_output(reg, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: msg = 'execution failed (error code '+str(e.returncode)+')\n Output: '+str(e.output) raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(msg) # output file names results = sorted(glob(prefix+'*')) forward = [] flag = [] for res in results: if res.endswith('GenericAffine.mat'): forward.append(res) flag.append(False) elif res.endswith('Warp.nii.gz') and not res.endswith('InverseWarp.nii.gz'): forward.append(res) flag.append(False) #print('forward transforms: '+str(forward)) inverse = [] linear = [] for res in results[::-1]: if res.endswith('GenericAffine.mat'): inverse.append(res) linear.append(True) elif res.endswith('InverseWarp.nii.gz'): inverse.append(res) linear.append(False) #print('inverse transforms: '+str(inverse)) # Transforms the moving image at = 'antsApplyTransforms --dimensionality 2 --input-image-type 0' at = at+' --input '+source.get_filename() at = at+' --reference-image '+target.get_filename() at = at+' --interpolation '+interpolation for idx,transform in enumerate(forward): if flag[idx]: at = at+' --transform ['+transform+', 1]' else: at = at+' --transform ['+transform+', 0]' at = at+' --output '+transformed_source_file print(at) try: subprocess.check_output(at, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: msg = 'execution failed (error code '+e.returncode+')\n Output: '+e.output raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(msg) # Create coordinate mappings src_at = 'antsApplyTransforms --dimensionality 2 --input-image-type 0' src_at = src_at+' --input '+src_mapX.get_filename() src_at = src_at+' --reference-image '+target.get_filename() src_at = src_at+' --interpolation Linear' for idx,transform in enumerate(forward): if flag[idx]: src_at = src_at+' --transform ['+transform+', 1]' else: src_at = src_at+' --transform ['+transform+', 0]' # src_at = src_at+' --output '+mapping_file src_mapX_trans = os.path.join(output_dir, _fname_4saving(module=__name__,file_name=file_name, rootfile=source_image, suffix='tmp_srccoordX_map')) src_at = src_at+' --output '+src_mapX_trans print(src_at) try: subprocess.check_output(src_at, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: msg = 'execution failed (error code '+e.returncode+')\n Output: '+e.output raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(msg) src_at = 'antsApplyTransforms --dimensionality 2 --input-image-type 0' src_at = src_at+' --input '+src_mapY.get_filename() src_at = src_at+' --reference-image '+target.get_filename() src_at = src_at+' --interpolation Linear' for idx,transform in enumerate(forward): if flag[idx]: src_at = src_at+' --transform ['+transform+', 1]' else: src_at = src_at+' --transform ['+transform+', 0]' # src_at = src_at+' --output '+mapping_file src_mapY_trans = os.path.join(output_dir, _fname_4saving(module=__name__,file_name=file_name, rootfile=source_image, suffix='tmp_srccoordY_map')) src_at = src_at+' --output '+src_mapY_trans print(src_at) try: subprocess.check_output(src_at, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: msg = 'execution failed (error code '+e.returncode+')\n Output: '+e.output raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(msg) # combine X,Y mappings mapX = load_volume(src_mapX_trans).get_data() mapY = load_volume(src_mapY_trans).get_data() src_map = np.stack((mapX,mapY),axis=-1) mapping = nb.Nifti1Image(src_map, target.affine, target.header) save_volume(mapping_file, mapping) trans_mapping = [] trg_at = 'antsApplyTransforms --dimensionality 2 --input-image-type 0' trg_at = trg_at+' --input '+trg_mapX.get_filename() trg_at = trg_at+' --reference-image '+source.get_filename() trg_at = trg_at+' --interpolation Linear' for idx,transform in enumerate(inverse): if linear[idx]: trg_at = trg_at+' --transform ['+transform+', 1]' else: trg_at = trg_at+' --transform ['+transform+', 0]' # trg_at = trg_at+' --output '+inverse_mapping_file trg_mapX_trans = os.path.join(output_dir, _fname_4saving(module=__name__,file_name=file_name, rootfile=source_image, suffix='tmp_srccoordX_map')) trg_at = trg_at+' --output '+trg_mapX_trans print(trg_at) try: subprocess.check_output(trg_at, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: msg = 'execution failed (error code '+e.returncode+')\n Output: '+e.output raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(msg) trg_at = 'antsApplyTransforms --dimensionality 2 --input-image-type 0' trg_at = trg_at+' --input '+trg_mapY.get_filename() trg_at = trg_at+' --reference-image '+source.get_filename() trg_at = trg_at+' --interpolation Linear' for idx,transform in enumerate(inverse): if linear[idx]: trg_at = trg_at+' --transform ['+transform+', 1]' else: trg_at = trg_at+' --transform ['+transform+', 0]' # trg_at = trg_at+' --output '+inverse_mapping_file trg_mapY_trans = os.path.join(output_dir, _fname_4saving(module=__name__,file_name=file_name, rootfile=source_image, suffix='tmp_srccoordY_map')) trg_at = trg_at+' --output '+trg_mapY_trans print(trg_at) try: subprocess.check_output(trg_at, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: msg = 'execution failed (error code '+e.returncode+')\n Output: '+e.output raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(msg) # combine X,Y mappings mapX = load_volume(trg_mapX_trans).get_data() mapY = load_volume(trg_mapY_trans).get_data() trg_map = np.stack((mapX,mapY),axis=-1) inverse_mapping = nb.Nifti1Image(trg_map, source.affine, source.header) save_volume(inverse_mapping_file, inverse_mapping) # pad coordinate mapping outside the image? hopefully not needed... # clean-up intermediate files if os.path.exists(src_mapX_file): os.remove(src_mapX_file) if os.path.exists(src_mapY_file): os.remove(src_mapY_file) if os.path.exists(trg_mapX_file): os.remove(trg_mapX_file) if os.path.exists(trg_mapY_file): os.remove(trg_mapY_file) if os.path.exists(src_mapX_trans): os.remove(src_mapX_trans) if os.path.exists(src_mapY_trans): os.remove(src_mapY_trans) if os.path.exists(trg_mapX_trans): os.remove(trg_mapX_trans) if os.path.exists(trg_mapY_trans): os.remove(trg_mapY_trans) if ignore_affine or ignore_header: if os.path.exists(src_img_file): os.remove(src_img_file) if os.path.exists(trg_img_file): os.remove(trg_img_file) for name in forward: if os.path.exists(name): os.remove(name) for name in inverse: if os.path.exists(name): os.remove(name) if not save_data: # collect saved outputs output = {'transformed_sources': load_volume(transformed_source_file), 'mapping': load_volume(mapping_file), 'inverse': load_volume(inverse_mapping_file)} # remove output files if *not* saved if os.path.exists(transformed_source_file): os.remove(transformed_source_file) if os.path.exists(mapping_file): os.remove(mapping_file) if os.path.exists(inverse_mapping_file): os.remove(inverse_mapping_file) return output else: # collect saved outputs output = {'transformed_sources': transformed_source_file, 'mapping': mapping_file, 'inverse': inverse_mapping_file} return output
def embedded_antsreg_multi(source_images, target_images, run_rigid=True, rigid_iterations=1000, run_affine=False, affine_iterations=1000, run_syn=True, coarse_iterations=40, medium_iterations=50, fine_iterations=40, cost_function='MutualInformation', interpolation='NearestNeighbor', regularization='High', convergence=1e-6, mask_zero=False, ignore_affine=False, ignore_header=False, save_data=False, overwrite=False, output_dir=None, file_name=None): """ Embedded ANTS Registration Multi-contrasts Runs the rigid and/or Symmetric Normalization (SyN) algorithm of ANTs and formats the output deformations into voxel coordinate mappings as used in CBSTools registration and transformation routines. Uses all input contrasts with equal weights. Parameters ---------- source_images: [niimg] Image list to register target_images: [niimg] Reference image list to match run_rigid: bool Whether or not to run a rigid registration first (default is False) rigid_iterations: float Number of iterations in the rigid step (default is 1000) run_affine: bool Whether or not to run a affine registration first (default is False) affine_iterations: float Number of iterations in the affine step (default is 1000) run_syn: bool Whether or not to run a SyN registration (default is True) coarse_iterations: float Number of iterations at the coarse level (default is 40) medium_iterations: float Number of iterations at the medium level (default is 50) fine_iterations: float Number of iterations at the fine level (default is 40) cost_function: {'CrossCorrelation', 'MutualInformation'} Cost function for the registration (default is 'MutualInformation') interpolation: {'NearestNeighbor', 'Linear'} Interpolation for the registration result (default is 'NearestNeighbor') regularization: {'Low', 'Medium', 'High'} Regularization preset for the SyN deformation (default is 'Medium') convergence: float Threshold for convergence, can make the algorithm very slow (default is convergence) mask_zero: bool Mask regions with zero value (default is False) ignore_affine: bool Ignore the affine matrix information extracted from the image header (default is False) ignore_header: bool Ignore the orientation information and affine matrix information extracted from the image header (default is False) save_data: bool Save output data to file (default is False) overwrite: bool Overwrite existing results (default is False) output_dir: str, optional Path to desired output directory, will be created if it doesn't exist file_name: str, optional Desired base name for output files with file extension (suffixes will be added) Returns ---------- dict Dictionary collecting outputs under the following keys (suffix of output files in brackets) * transformed_source ([niimg]): Deformed source image list (_ants_def0,1,...) * mapping (niimg): Coordinate mapping from source to target (_ants_map) * inverse (niimg): Inverse coordinate mapping from target to source (_ants_invmap) Notes ---------- Port of the CBSTools Java module by Pierre-Louis Bazin. The main algorithm is part of the ANTs software by Brian Avants and colleagues [1]_. The interfacing with ANTs is performed through Nipype [2]_. Parameters have been set to values commonly found in neuroimaging scripts online, but not necessarily optimal. References ---------- .. [1] Avants et al (2008), Symmetric diffeomorphic image registration with cross-correlation: evaluating automated labeling of elderly and neurodegenerative brain, Med Image Anal. 12(1):26-41 .. [2] Gorgolewski et al (2011) Nipype: a flexible, lightweight and extensible neuroimaging data processing framework in python. Front Neuroinform 5. doi:10.3389/fninf.2011.00013 """ print('\nEmbedded ANTs Registration Multi-contrasts') # make sure that saving related parameters are correct output_dir = _output_dir_4saving(output_dir, source_images[0]) # needed for intermediate results if save_data: transformed_source_files = [] for idx,source_image in enumerate(source_images): transformed_source_files.append(os.path.join(output_dir, _fname_4saving(module=__name__,file_name=file_name, rootfile=source_image, suffix='ants-def'+str(idx)))) mapping_file = os.path.join(output_dir, _fname_4saving(module=__name__,file_name=file_name, rootfile=source_images[0], suffix='ants-map')) inverse_mapping_file = os.path.join(output_dir, _fname_4saving(module=__name__,file_name=file_name, rootfile=source_images[0], suffix='ants-invmap')) if overwrite is False \ and os.path.isfile(mapping_file) \ and os.path.isfile(inverse_mapping_file) : missing = False for trans_file in transformed_source_files: if not os.path.isfile(trans_file): missing = True if not missing: print("skip computation (use existing results)") transformed = [] for trans_file in transformed_source_files: transformed.append(trans_file) output = {'transformed_sources': transformed, 'transformed_source': transformed[0], 'mapping': mapping_file, 'inverse': inverse_mapping_file} return output # load and get dimensions and resolution from input images sources = [] targets = [] for idx,img in enumerate(source_images): source = load_volume(source_images[idx]) src_affine = source.affine src_header = source.header nsx = source.header.get_data_shape()[X] nsy = source.header.get_data_shape()[Y] nsz = source.header.get_data_shape()[Z] rsx = source.header.get_zooms()[X] rsy = source.header.get_zooms()[Y] rsz = source.header.get_zooms()[Z] orig_src_aff = source.affine orig_src_hdr = source.header target = load_volume(target_images[idx]) trg_affine = target.affine trg_header = target.header ntx = target.header.get_data_shape()[X] nty = target.header.get_data_shape()[Y] ntz = target.header.get_data_shape()[Z] rtx = target.header.get_zooms()[X] rty = target.header.get_zooms()[Y] rtz = target.header.get_zooms()[Z] orig_trg_aff = target.affine orig_trg_hdr = target.header # in case the affine transformations are not to be trusted: make them equal if ignore_affine or ignore_header: # create generic affine aligned with the orientation for the source new_affine = np.zeros((4,4)) if ignore_header: new_affine[0][0] = rsx new_affine[1][1] = rsy new_affine[2][2] = rsz new_affine[0][3] = -rsx*nsx/2.0 new_affine[1][3] = -rsy*nsy/2.0 new_affine[2][3] = -rsz*nsz/2.0 else: #mx = np.argmax(np.abs(src_affine[0][0:3])) #my = np.argmax(np.abs(src_affine[1][0:3])) #mz = np.argmax(np.abs(src_affine[2][0:3])) #new_affine[0][mx] = rsx*np.sign(src_affine[0][mx]) #new_affine[1][my] = rsy*np.sign(src_affine[1][my]) #new_affine[2][mz] = rsz*np.sign(src_affine[2][mz]) #if (np.sign(src_affine[0][mx])<0): # new_affine[0][3] = rsx*nsx/2.0 #else: # new_affine[0][3] = -rsx*nsx/2.0 # #if (np.sign(src_affine[1][my])<0): # new_affine[1][3] = rsy*nsy/2.0 #else: # new_affine[1][3] = -rsy*nsy/2.0 # #if (np.sign(src_affine[2][mz])<0): # new_affine[2][3] = rsz*nsz/2.0 #else: # new_affine[2][3] = -rsz*nsz/2.0 mx = np.argmax(np.abs([src_affine[0][0],src_affine[1][0],src_affine[2][0]])) my = np.argmax(np.abs([src_affine[0][1],src_affine[1][1],src_affine[2][1]])) mz = np.argmax(np.abs([src_affine[0][2],src_affine[1][2],src_affine[2][2]])) new_affine[mx][0] = rsx*np.sign(src_affine[mx][0]) new_affine[my][1] = rsy*np.sign(src_affine[my][1]) new_affine[mz][2] = rsz*np.sign(src_affine[mz][2]) if (np.sign(src_affine[mx][0])<0): new_affine[mx][3] = rsx*nsx/2.0 else: new_affine[mx][3] = -rsx*nsx/2.0 if (np.sign(src_affine[my][1])<0): new_affine[my][3] = rsy*nsy/2.0 else: new_affine[my][3] = -rsy*nsy/2.0 if (np.sign(src_affine[mz][2])<0): new_affine[mz][3] = rsz*nsz/2.0 else: new_affine[mz][3] = -rsz*nsz/2.0 #if (np.sign(src_affine[0][mx])<0): new_affine[mx][3] = rsx*nsx #if (np.sign(src_affine[1][my])<0): new_affine[my][3] = rsy*nsy #if (np.sign(src_affine[2][mz])<0): new_affine[mz][3] = rsz*nsz #new_affine[0][3] = nsx/2.0 #new_affine[1][3] = nsy/2.0 #new_affine[2][3] = nsz/2.0 new_affine[3][3] = 1.0 src_img = nb.Nifti1Image(source.get_data(), new_affine, source.header) src_img.update_header() src_img_file = os.path.join(output_dir, _fname_4saving(module=__name__,file_name=file_name, rootfile=source_images[0], suffix='tmp_srcimg'+str(idx))) save_volume(src_img_file, src_img) source = load_volume(src_img_file) src_affine = source.affine src_header = source.header # create generic affine aligned with the orientation for the target new_affine = np.zeros((4,4)) if ignore_header: new_affine[0][0] = rtx new_affine[1][1] = rty new_affine[2][2] = rtz new_affine[0][3] = -rtx*ntx/2.0 new_affine[1][3] = -rty*nty/2.0 new_affine[2][3] = -rtz*ntz/2.0 else: #mx = np.argmax(np.abs(trg_affine[0][0:3])) #my = np.argmax(np.abs(trg_affine[1][0:3])) #mz = np.argmax(np.abs(trg_affine[2][0:3])) #new_affine[0][mx] = rtx*np.sign(trg_affine[0][mx]) #new_affine[1][my] = rty*np.sign(trg_affine[1][my]) #new_affine[2][mz] = rtz*np.sign(trg_affine[2][mz]) #if (np.sign(trg_affine[0][mx])<0): # new_affine[0][3] = rtx*ntx/2.0 #else: # new_affine[0][3] = -rtx*ntx/2.0 # #if (np.sign(trg_affine[1][my])<0): # new_affine[1][3] = rty*nty/2.0 #else: # new_affine[1][3] = -rty*nty/2.0 # #if (np.sign(trg_affine[2][mz])<0): # new_affine[2][3] = rtz*ntz/2.0 #else: # new_affine[2][3] = -rtz*ntz/2.0 mx = np.argmax(np.abs([trg_affine[0][0],trg_affine[1][0],trg_affine[2][0]])) my = np.argmax(np.abs([trg_affine[0][1],trg_affine[1][1],trg_affine[2][1]])) mz = np.argmax(np.abs([trg_affine[0][2],trg_affine[1][2],trg_affine[2][2]])) #print('mx: '+str(mx)+', my: '+str(my)+', mz: '+str(mz)) #print('rx: '+str(rtx)+', ry: '+str(rty)+', rz: '+str(rtz)) new_affine[mx][0] = rtx*np.sign(trg_affine[mx][0]) new_affine[my][1] = rty*np.sign(trg_affine[my][1]) new_affine[mz][2] = rtz*np.sign(trg_affine[mz][2]) if (np.sign(trg_affine[mx][0])<0): new_affine[mx][3] = rtx*ntx/2.0 else: new_affine[mx][3] = -rtx*ntx/2.0 if (np.sign(trg_affine[my][1])<0): new_affine[my][3] = rty*nty/2.0 else: new_affine[my][3] = -rty*nty/2.0 if (np.sign(trg_affine[mz][2])<0): new_affine[mz][3] = rtz*ntz/2.0 else: new_affine[mz][3] = -rtz*ntz/2.0 #if (np.sign(trg_affine[0][mx])<0): new_affine[mx][3] = rtx*ntx #if (np.sign(trg_affine[1][my])<0): new_affine[my][3] = rty*nty #if (np.sign(trg_affine[2][mz])<0): new_affine[mz][3] = rtz*ntz #new_affine[0][3] = ntx/2.0 #new_affine[1][3] = nty/2.0 #new_affine[2][3] = ntz/2.0 new_affine[3][3] = 1.0 #print("\nbefore: "+str(trg_affine)) #print("\nafter: "+str(new_affine)) trg_img = nb.Nifti1Image(target.get_data(), new_affine, target.header) trg_img.update_header() trg_img_file = os.path.join(output_dir, _fname_4saving(module=__name__,file_name=file_name, rootfile=source_images[0], suffix='tmp_trgimg'+str(idx))) save_volume(trg_img_file, trg_img) target = load_volume(trg_img_file) trg_affine = target.affine trg_header = target.header sources.append(source) targets.append(target) # build coordinate mapping matrices and save them to disk src_coord = np.zeros((nsx,nsy,nsz,3)) trg_coord = np.zeros((ntx,nty,ntz,3)) for x in range(nsx): for y in range(nsy): for z in range(nsz): src_coord[x,y,z,X] = x src_coord[x,y,z,Y] = y src_coord[x,y,z,Z] = z src_map = nb.Nifti1Image(src_coord, source.affine, source.header) src_map_file = os.path.join(output_dir, _fname_4saving(module=__name__,file_name=file_name, rootfile=source_images[0], suffix='tmp_srccoord')) save_volume(src_map_file, src_map) for x in range(ntx): for y in range(nty): for z in range(ntz): trg_coord[x,y,z,X] = x trg_coord[x,y,z,Y] = y trg_coord[x,y,z,Z] = z trg_map = nb.Nifti1Image(trg_coord, target.affine, target.header) trg_map_file = os.path.join(output_dir, _fname_4saving(module=__name__,file_name=file_name, rootfile=source_images[0], suffix='tmp_trgcoord')) save_volume(trg_map_file, trg_map) if mask_zero: # create and save temporary masks trg_mask_data = (target.get_data()!=0) trg_mask = nb.Nifti1Image(trg_mask_data, target.affine, target.header) trg_mask_file = os.path.join(output_dir, _fname_4saving(module=__name__,file_name=file_name, rootfile=source_image, suffix='tmp_trgmask')) save_volume(trg_mask_file, trg_mask) src_mask_data = (source.get_data()!=0) src_mask = nb.Nifti1Image(src_mask_data, source.affine, source.header) src_mask_file = os.path.join(output_dir, _fname_4saving(module=__name__,file_name=file_name, rootfile=source_image, suffix='tmp_srcmask')) save_volume(src_mask_file, src_mask) # run the main ANTS software: here we directly build the command line call reg = 'antsRegistration --collapse-output-transforms 1 --dimensionality 3' \ +' --initialize-transforms-per-stage 0 --interpolation Linear' # add a prefix to avoid multiple names? prefix = _fname_4saving(module=__name__,file_name=file_name, rootfile=source_images[0], suffix='tmp_syn') prefix = os.path.basename(prefix) prefix = prefix.split(".")[0] #reg.inputs.output_transform_prefix = prefix reg = reg+' --output '+prefix if mask_zero: reg = reg+' --masks ['+trg_mask_file+', '+src_mask_file+']' srcfiles = [] trgfiles = [] for idx,img in enumerate(sources): print("registering "+sources[idx].get_filename()+"\n to "+targets[idx].get_filename()) srcfiles.append(sources[idx].get_filename()) trgfiles.append(targets[idx].get_filename()) weight = 1.0/len(srcfiles) # set parameters for all the different types of transformations if run_rigid is True: reg = reg + ' --transform Rigid[0.1]' if (cost_function=='CrossCorrelation'): for idx,img in enumerate(srcfiles): reg = reg + ' --metric CC['+trgfiles[idx]+', '+srcfiles[idx] \ +', '+'{:.3f}'.format(weight)+', 5, Random, 0.3 ]' else: for idx,img in enumerate(srcfiles): reg = reg + ' --metric MI['+trgfiles[idx]+', '+srcfiles[idx] \ +', '+'{:.3f}'.format(weight)+', 32, Random, 0.3 ]' reg = reg + ' --convergence ['+str(rigid_iterations)+'x' \ +str(rigid_iterations)+'x'+str(rigid_iterations) \ +', '+str(convergence)+', 10 ]' reg = reg + ' --smoothing-sigmas 3.0x2.0x1.0' reg = reg + ' --shrink-factors 4x2x1' reg = reg + ' --use-histogram-matching 0' reg = reg + ' --winsorize-image-intensities [ 0.001, 0.999 ]' if run_affine is True: reg = reg + ' --transform Affine[0.1]' if (cost_function=='CrossCorrelation'): for idx,img in enumerate(srcfiles): reg = reg + ' --metric CC['+trgfiles[idx]+', '+srcfiles[idx] \ +', '+'{:.3f}'.format(weight)+', 5, Random, 0.3 ]' else: for idx,img in enumerate(srcfiles): reg = reg + ' --metric MI['+trgfiles[idx]+', '+srcfiles[idx] \ +', '+'{:.3f}'.format(weight)+', 32, Random, 0.3 ]' reg = reg + ' --convergence ['+str(affine_iterations)+'x' \ +str(affine_iterations)+'x'+str(affine_iterations) \ +', '+str(convergence)+', 10 ]' reg = reg + ' --smoothing-sigmas 3.0x2.0x1.0' reg = reg + ' --shrink-factors 4x2x1' reg = reg + ' --use-histogram-matching 0' reg = reg + ' --winsorize-image-intensities [ 0.001, 0.999 ]' if run_syn is True: if regularization is 'Low': syn_param = [0.2, 1.0, 0.0] elif regularization is 'Medium': syn_param = [0.2, 3.0, 0.0] elif regularization is 'High': syn_param = [0.2, 4.0, 3.0] else: syn_param = [0.2, 3.0, 0.0] reg = reg + ' --transform SyN'+str(syn_param) if (cost_function=='CrossCorrelation'): for idx,img in enumerate(srcfiles): reg = reg + ' --metric CC['+trgfiles[idx]+', '+srcfiles[idx] \ +', '+'{:.3f}'.format(weight)+', 5, Random, 0.3 ]' else: for idx,img in enumerate(srcfiles): reg = reg + ' --metric MI['+trgfiles[idx]+', '+srcfiles[idx] \ +', '+'{:.3f}'.format(weight)+', 32, Random, 0.3 ]' reg = reg + ' --convergence ['+str(coarse_iterations)+'x' \ +str(coarse_iterations)+'x'+str(medium_iterations)+'x' \ +str(fine_iterations)+', '+str(convergence)+', 5 ]' reg = reg + ' --smoothing-sigmas 2.0x1.0x0.5x0.0' reg = reg + ' --shrink-factors 8x4x2x1' reg = reg + ' --use-histogram-matching 0' reg = reg + ' --winsorize-image-intensities [ 0.001, 0.999 ]' if run_rigid is False and run_affine is False and run_syn is False: reg = reg + ' --transform Rigid[0.1]' for idx,img in enumerate(srcfiles): reg = reg + ' --metric CC['+trgfiles[idx]+', '+srcfiles[idx] \ +', '+'{:.3f}'.format(weight)+', 5, Random, 0.3 ]' reg = reg + ' --convergence [ 0x0x0, 1.0, 2 ]' reg = reg + ' --smoothing-sigmas 3.0x2.0x1.0' reg = reg + ' --shrink-factors 4x2x1' reg = reg + ' --use-histogram-matching 0' reg = reg + ' --winsorize-image-intensities [ 0.001, 0.999 ]' reg = reg + ' --write-composite-transform 0' # run the ANTs command directly print(reg) try: subprocess.check_output(reg, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: msg = 'execution failed (error code '+str(e.returncode)+')\n Output: '+str(e.output) raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(msg) # output file names results = sorted(glob(prefix+'*')) forward = [] flag = [] for res in results: if res.endswith('GenericAffine.mat'): forward.append(res) flag.append(False) elif res.endswith('Warp.nii.gz') and not res.endswith('InverseWarp.nii.gz'): forward.append(res) flag.append(False) #print('forward transforms: '+str(forward)) inverse = [] linear = [] for res in results[::-1]: if res.endswith('GenericAffine.mat'): inverse.append(res) linear.append(True) elif res.endswith('InverseWarp.nii.gz'): inverse.append(res) linear.append(False) #print('inverse transforms: '+str(inverse)) # Transforms the moving image for idx,source in enumerate(sources): at = 'antsApplyTransforms --dimensionality 3 --input-image-type 0' at = at+' --input '+sources[idx].get_filename() at = at+' --reference-image '+targets[idx].get_filename() at = at+' --interpolation '+interpolation for idx2,transform in enumerate(forward): if flag[idx2]: at = at+' --transform ['+transform+', 1]' else: at = at+' --transform ['+transform+', 0]' at = at+' --output '+transformed_source_files[idx] print(at) try: subprocess.check_output(at, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: msg = 'execution failed (error code '+e.returncode+')\n Output: '+e.output raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(msg) # Create coordinate mappings src_at = 'antsApplyTransforms --dimensionality 3 --input-image-type 3' src_at = src_at+' --input '+src_map.get_filename() src_at = src_at+' --reference-image '+target.get_filename() src_at = src_at+' --interpolation Linear' for idx,transform in enumerate(forward): if flag[idx]: src_at = src_at+' --transform ['+transform+', 1]' else: src_at = src_at+' --transform ['+transform+', 0]' src_at = src_at+' --output '+mapping_file print(src_at) try: subprocess.check_output(src_at, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: msg = 'execution failed (error code '+e.returncode+')\n Output: '+e.output raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(msg) trans_mapping = [] trg_at = 'antsApplyTransforms --dimensionality 3 --input-image-type 3' trg_at = trg_at+' --input '+trg_map.get_filename() trg_at = trg_at+' --reference-image '+source.get_filename() trg_at = trg_at+' --interpolation Linear' for idx,transform in enumerate(inverse): if linear[idx]: trg_at = trg_at+' --transform ['+transform+', 1]' else: trg_at = trg_at+' --transform ['+transform+', 0]' trg_at = trg_at+' --output '+inverse_mapping_file print(trg_at) try: subprocess.check_output(trg_at, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: msg = 'execution failed (error code '+e.returncode+')\n Output: '+e.output raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(msg) # pad coordinate mapping outside the image? hopefully not needed... # clean-up intermediate files if os.path.exists(src_map_file): os.remove(src_map_file) if os.path.exists(trg_map_file): os.remove(trg_map_file) if ignore_affine or ignore_header: if os.path.exists(src_img_file): os.remove(src_img_file) if os.path.exists(trg_img_file): os.remove(trg_img_file) for name in forward: if os.path.exists(name): os.remove(name) for name in inverse: if os.path.exists(name): os.remove(name) # if ignoring header and/or affine, must paste back the correct headers if ignore_affine or ignore_header: mapping = load_volume(mapping_file) save_volume(mapping_file, nb.Nifti1Image(mapping.get_data(), orig_trg_aff, orig_trg_hdr)) inverse = load_volume(inverse_mapping_file) save_volume(inverse_mapping_file, nb.Nifti1Image(inverse.get_data(), orig_src_aff, orig_src_hdr)) for trans_file in transformed_source_files: trans = load_volume(trans_file) save_volume(trans_file, nb.Nifti1Image(trans.get_data(), orig_trg_aff, orig_trg_hdr)) if not save_data: # collect saved outputs transformed = [] for trans_file in transformed_source_files: transformed.append(load_volume(trans_file)) output = {'transformed_sources': transformed, 'transformed_source': transformed[0], 'mapping': load_volume(mapping_file), 'inverse': load_volume(inverse_mapping_file)} # remove output files if *not* saved for idx,trans_image in enumerate(transformed_source_files): if os.path.exists(trans_image): os.remove(trans_image) if os.path.exists(mapping_file): os.remove(mapping_file) if os.path.exists(inverse_mapping_file): os.remove(inverse_mapping_file) return output else: # collect saved outputs transformed = [] for trans_file in transformed_source_files: transformed.append(trans_file) output = {'transformed_sources': transformed, 'transformed_source': transformed[0], 'mapping': mapping_file, 'inverse': inverse_mapping_file} return output