Source code for nighres.intensity.lcpca_denoising

import numpy as np
import nibabel as nb
import os
import sys
import nighresjava
from import load_volume, save_volume
from ..utils import _output_dir_4saving, _fname_4saving, \
                    _check_topology_lut_dir, _check_available_memory

[docs]def lcpca_denoising(image_list, phase_list=None, ngb_size=4, stdev_cutoff=1.05, min_dimension=0, max_dimension=-1, unwrap=True, rescale_phs=True, process_2d=False, use_rmt=False, save_data=False, overwrite=False, output_dir=None, file_names=None): """ LCPCA denoising Denoise multi-contrast data with a local complex-valued PCA-based method Parameters ---------- image_list: [niimg] List of input images to denoise phase_list: [niimg], optional List of input phase to denoise (order must match that of image_list) ngb_size: int, optional Size of the local PCA neighborhood, to be increased with number of inputs (default is 4) stdev_cutoff: float, optional Factor of local noise level to remove PCA components. Higher values remove more components (default is 1.05) min_dimension: int, optional Minimum number of kept PCA components (default is 0) max_dimension: int, optional Maximum number of kept PCA components (default is -1 for all components) unwrap: bool, optional Whether to unwrap the phase data of keep it as is (default is True) rescale_phs: bool, optional Whether to rescale the phase data of keep it as is, assuming radians (default is True) process_2d: bool, optional Whether to denoise in 2D, for instance when acquiring a thin slab of data (default is False) use_rmt: bool, optional Whether to use random matrix theory rather than noise fitting to estimate the noise threshold (default is False) save_data: bool Save output data to file (default is False) overwrite: bool Overwrite existing results (default is False) output_dir: str, optional Path to desired output directory, will be created if it doesn't exist file_names: [str], optional Desired base names for output files with file extension (suffixes will be added) Returns ---------- dict Dictionary collecting outputs under the following keys (suffix of output files in brackets) * denoised ([niimg]): The list of denoised input images (_lcpca_den) * dimensions (niimg): Map of the estimated local dimensions (_lcpca_dim) * residuals (niimg): Estimated residuals between input and denoised images (_lcpca_err) Notes ---------- Original Java module by Pierre-Louis Bazin. Algorithm adapted from [1]_ with a different approach to set the adaptive noise threshold and additional processing to handle the phase data. References ---------- .. [1] Manjon, Coupe, Concha, Buades, Collins, Robles (2013). Diffusion Weighted Image Denoising Using Overcomplete Local PCA doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0073021 """ print('\nLCPCA denoising') # make sure that saving related parameters are correct if save_data: output_dir = _output_dir_4saving(output_dir, image_list[0]) den_files = [] for idx,image in enumerate(image_list): if file_names is None: name=None else: name=file_names[idx] den_file = os.path.join(output_dir, _fname_4saving(module=__name__,file_name=name, rootfile=image, suffix='lcpca-den')) den_files.append(den_file) if (phase_list!=None): for idx,image in enumerate(phase_list): if file_names is None: name=None else: name=file_names[len(image_list)+idx] den_file = os.path.join(output_dir, _fname_4saving(module=__name__,file_name=name, rootfile=image, suffix='lcpca-den')) den_files.append(den_file) if file_names is None: name=None else: name=file_names[0] dim_file = os.path.join(output_dir, _fname_4saving(module=__name__,file_name=name, rootfile=image_list[0], suffix='lcpca-dim')) err_file = os.path.join(output_dir, _fname_4saving(module=__name__,file_name=name, rootfile=image_list[0], suffix='lcpca-res')) if overwrite is False \ and os.path.isfile(dim_file) \ and os.path.isfile(err_file) : # check that the denoised data is the same too missing = False for den_file in den_files: if not os.path.isfile(den_file): missing = True if not missing: print("skip computation (use existing results)") denoised = [] for den_file in den_files: denoised.append(den_file) output = {'denoised': denoised, 'dimensions': dim_file, 'residuals': err_file} return output # start virtual machine, if not already running try: mem = _check_available_memory() nighresjava.initVM(initialheap=mem['init'], maxheap=mem['max']) except ValueError: pass # create lcpca instance lcpca = nighresjava.LocalComplexPCADenoising() # load first image and use it to set dimensions and resolution img = load_volume(image_list[0]) data = img.get_data() #data = data[0:10,0:10,0:10] affine = img.affine header = img.header resolution = [x.item() for x in header.get_zooms()] dimensions = data.shape dim3D = (dimensions[0],dimensions[1],dimensions[2]) # set lcpca parameters lcpca.setImageNumber(len(image_list)) eigdim = len(image_list) if (phase_list!=None): if len(dimensions)>3: eigdim = 2*eigdim*dimensions[3] else: eigdim = 2*eigdim if (len(phase_list)!=len(image_list)): print('\nmismatch of magnitude and phase images: abort') return if len(dimensions)>3: lcpca.setDimensions(dimensions[0], dimensions[1], dimensions[2], dimensions[3]) else: lcpca.setDimensions(dimensions[0], dimensions[1], dimensions[2]) lcpca.setResolutions(resolution[0], resolution[1], resolution[2]) # input images # important: set image number before adding images for idx, image in enumerate(image_list): #print('\nloading ('+str(idx)+'): '+image) data = load_volume(image).get_data() #data = data[0:10,0:10,0:10] lcpca.setMagnitudeImageAt(idx, nighresjava.JArray('float')( (data.flatten('F')).astype(float))) # input phase, if specified if (phase_list!=None): for idx, image in enumerate(phase_list): #print('\nloading '+image) data = load_volume(image).get_data() #data = data[0:10,0:10,0:10] lcpca.setPhaseImageAt(idx, nighresjava.JArray('float')( (data.flatten('F')).astype(float))) # set algorithm parameters lcpca.setPatchSize(ngb_size) lcpca.setStdevCutoff(stdev_cutoff) lcpca.setMinimumDimension(min_dimension) lcpca.setMaximumDimension(max_dimension) lcpca.setUnwrapPhase(unwrap) lcpca.setRescalePhase(rescale_phs) lcpca.setProcessSlabIn2D(process_2d) lcpca.setRandomMatrixTheory(use_rmt) # execute the algorithm try: lcpca.execute() except: # if the Java module fails, reraise the error it throws print("\n The underlying Java code did not execute cleanly: ") print(sys.exc_info()[0]) raise return # reshape output to what nibabel likes denoised_list = [] for idx, image in enumerate(image_list): den_data = np.reshape(np.array(lcpca.getDenoisedMagnitudeImageAt(idx), dtype=np.float32), dimensions, 'F') header['cal_min'] = np.nanmin(den_data) header['cal_max'] = np.nanmax(den_data) denoised = nb.Nifti1Image(den_data, affine, header) denoised_list.append(denoised) if save_data: save_volume(den_files[idx], denoised) if (phase_list!=None): for idx, image in enumerate(phase_list): den_data = np.reshape(np.array(lcpca.getDenoisedPhaseImageAt(idx), dtype=np.float32), dimensions, 'F') header['cal_min'] = np.nanmin(den_data) header['cal_max'] = np.nanmax(den_data) denoised = nb.Nifti1Image(den_data, affine, header) denoised_list.append(denoised) if save_data: save_volume(den_files[idx+len(image_list)], denoised) dim_data = np.reshape(np.array(lcpca.getLocalDimensionImage(), dtype=np.float32), dim3D, 'F') err_data = np.reshape(np.array(lcpca.getNoiseFitImage(), dtype=np.float32), dim3D, 'F') # adapt header max for each image so that correct max is displayed # and create nifiti objects header['cal_min'] = np.nanmin(dim_data) header['cal_max'] = np.nanmax(dim_data) dim = nb.Nifti1Image(dim_data, affine, header) header['cal_min'] = np.nanmin(err_data) header['cal_max'] = np.nanmax(err_data) err = nb.Nifti1Image(err_data, affine, header) if save_data: save_volume(dim_file, dim) save_volume(err_file, err) output = {'denoised': den_files, 'dimensions': dim_file, 'residuals': err_file} else: output = {'denoised': denoised_list, 'dimensions': dim, 'residuals': err} return output